What Didn’t Kill Her

September 26th, 2013 by Nathan Collins

A friend of mine sent me this link today:

What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit

I’m not sure if this is inspirational or cool or just plain creepy! Whatever the case, I’m glad that she and her loved ones are all right. Losing everything you own in an instant is terrible enough.

I’m going to pick out a few comments from the post, but you can see the rest by clicking on the title link above.

The friend shares her experience (and an incredible, positive attitude):
What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit

A firefighter explains to jaded Internet skeptics how and why a Kindle could be recovered from a fire:
What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit

A fellow Kindle owner takes precautions:
What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit

A few posters accused this of being a fake story as part of some viral advertising campaign. But one redditor thinks something even darker is afoot:
What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit

And, since this is reddit after all, here’s the top-rated joke:
What Doesn't Kill Her from Reddit


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