Title: Antiques Fruitcake (E-Book Short)
Release: September 30, 2014
During the dress rehearsal for small-town Serenity’s festive Christmas play, star Madeline de Morlaye topples over—on stage!—after a bite of prop pastry. Since the frosty actress had earned plenty of enemies through her offstage dramatics, the cast of suspects is longer than Santa’s “Naughty or Nice” list. Prop mistress Brandy Borne and her diva-turned-director mother, Vivian—assisted by their savvy shih tzu, Sushi—must solve this fruitcake fatality before it's curtains for anyone else.
Large Size Cover (500 x 773 JPEG)
Trash 'n' Treasures Series:
Antiques Roadkill |
Antiques Maul |
Antiques Flee Market |
Antiques Bizarre |
Antiques Knock-Off |
Antiques Disposal |
Antiques Chop |
Antiques Con |
Antiques Swap |
Antiques Fate |
Antiques Frame |
Antiques Wanted |
Antiques Ravin’ |
Antiques Fire Sale |
Antiques Carry On |
Antiques Liquidation |
Antiques Foe
Trash 'n' Treasures E-Book Shorts:
Antiques Slay Ride |
Antiques Fruitcake |
Antiques St. Nicked |
Collected in print as: Antiques Ho-Ho-Homicides
More from Barbara Allan:
Cutout |
Suspense: His & Hers |
Regeneration |
Murder: His and Hers |